Industrial additives could overtake auto in the US
New Freedonia Group report shows industrial additives and off highway are important sectors for the future as auto demand drops.
New Freedonia Group report shows industrial additives and off highway are important sectors for the future as auto demand drops.
The Global Vehicle Trust has launched a new flat-pack truck designed for aid and emergency relief agencies around the world
UK independent, Exol, has launched a new heavy-duty diesel to meet Euro and US regs.
Chinese car maker drops subsidiary brand strategy
China's major automakers fail to beat off competition in 2012 to post heavy losses.
Two of the world's largest vehicle rental companies are seeking an alliance
A new plant will produce the latest low-pollution eco-engine.
Nissan boss moves the targets for growth after tensions.
A prototype Aston Martin will be the first hydrogen-powered car to compete in an international motorsport event.\n\n
What would happen if US consumers follow Europe's diesel consumption and petrol reduction lead? How will the trend for Always On technology impact lubes marketing in developing nations.