TNK_BP to invest in Arctic pipeline
UK-Russian conglomerate set to boost oilfield and export infrastructure from Yamal region.
UK-Russian conglomerate set to boost oilfield and export infrastructure from Yamal region.
China finances Latin American revamp of major refinery
China's thirst for oil is set to match the US according to a new report.
New plant and increased exports in Kuwait but Libyan investments may stall.
OPTI Canada sale completes as CNOOC builds LNG plant
Chevron and Marathon Oil announce significant expenditure plans for 2012 exploration
ConocoPhillips has announced the name and location of its independent downstream company.
A Repsol-SK joint venture will boost production of Group III lubricants for Europe.
World Bank consultant claims oil could exceed $150 within five years.
The latest report from Kline puts Shell top of the table of lubricant producers for the fifth consecutive year and cautions on Asia optimism.