Indian Lubricants Market ranked third in the world.

India is one of the most important lubes markets, according to Kline.

A recent report into the Indian lubricants market shows that India is ranked third in the global lubest market after the US and China.


India bike traffic

The next lube consumer generation? Image: Cars10


Like most Asian countries, the majority of the population ride motorcycles and the country is the world's second largest motorcycle manufacturer. In 2012-13, vehicle production was dominated by two-wheelers, amounting to over three quarters of total output.  Some 60% of of the automotive lubricants market comprises motorcycle oil, with consumer automotive lubricants accounting for 13% of the total market.

Economic growth in India has slowed in recent years which, according to Kline, has affected the nationalised oilco-controlled commercial lubes market.

More than 54% of India's total lubricants market is industrial, including chemicals, manufacturing, railways, marine and metals. Process oils such as transformer oils have also seen a strong demand as power generation and distribution has expanded.

Kline's prediction is that overall lubricant consumption in India will grow at an annual rate of 2.5% over the next five years.