Cool runnings in China

Refrigerated delivery van sales are rocketing in the Middle Kingdom

A mix of rising incomes and an increase in online shopping is proving to be a perfect storm for an unusual sector - refrigerated vans. In 2010, there were just 50,000 such vehicles on China's roads, but a new government initiative forecasts there will be new 40,000 refrigerated vans sold in 2015 alone.

Under the lengthily-titled Cold Chain Logistics Develpoment Plan for Agricultural Products, Beijing wants to see deliveries of perishable goods increase at by 65% from today's levels and is backing a plan to encourage large enterprises to purchase chilled fleets.

Poor cold supply chain systems in China result in a 20-40% food spoilage loss that is costing the coutnry around $65bn annually, according to government statistics.

The logistics industry is becoming a major focus of policy intiatives as the lawmakers attempt to curb emissions and better service rural areas.